Teachers Should Make Sure...
Teachers need to keep in mind that we are important role models for children in our society. If we are good role models, children will look at us, follow us, and respect us.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness (4)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Sixth Group of Blessings. Blessing Nineteen :- Abstaining from Unwholesomeness.
A Student Should Minister to His Teachers
The southern direction, or the right hand direction, represents the relationships we have with our teachers as a result of their giving us education and training.
Mother's Day 2014
Mother's Day 2014. History and Activities on Mother's Day 2014.
The Kalyanamitra School
A school that is a kalyanamitra School can be a school of any levels, whether it be primary, secondary
2. The Student-Teacher Relationship
The second important factor influencing social development is the quality of the relationship teachers have with their students
Social Disaster : Protection and Correction
Before inventing the measures to protect the society from the great disaster and to correct it, one must fathom the true root of the disaster
Two ways to Express Respect
Physical Token of Respect This refers to a gift that is used as a way for us to express our respect to our parents
Characteristics of an appropriate area:
We should be in a place that is in a good geographical location. In terms of geography the altitude of the land should not be too low or too high
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: The Sermon : The Components of the Noble Eightfold Path
The Lord Buddha explained that the Noble Eightfold Path comprises: 1. Right View [Samma Ditthi] 2. Right Intention [Samma Sankappa]