The people who have a hard life tend to think why the previous merit does not help them. How could I explain to them?
When the monks go for the offering rounds, can they wear a pair of sandals?
I would like to ask about when the monks go for the offering rounds; can they wear a pair of sandals? For nowadays some areas are not suited to walk bare footed.
You Must Win
What demerit did her younger sister make with her husband that caused her to be shot and paralyzed for 30 years? Her husband died in 2006 from a heart attack. Where did he go? Is he being punished for the demerit he performed against her? What merit caused her to be the owner of the land full of slate? This land provides her with constant income and no matter how much slate is dug up, there is even more available.
What is the historical background of the Buddhist Lent season or rainy retreat and the activities of monks during these months?
This period of the year is known as the Buddhist Lent season or rainy retreat. I would like to know the historical background of this religious event and the activities of monks during these months.
โครงการอบรมยุวกัลยาณมิตร 23 มี.ค.-4 เม.ย.
What principle of Dhamma shall we follow to be millionaires over lives?
Ladluang Municipality
Ladluang Municipality arranged the mediation program.
My daughter loves merit and is afraid of sin but she has no sense of responsibility. Will she gain merit from behaving this way? How should we guide her so that she realizes what she is doing?
My daughter loves merit and is afraid of sin. She wakes up in the morning to do the morning chanting. Then she sleeps almost until noon. In the evening, she does the evening chanting and then watches TV until late at night. She has no sense of responsibility and relies on her parents to take care of her although she is a full grown adult. Will she gain merit from behaving this way? How should we guide her so that she realizes what she is doing?
Some people have compared the Bodhisatta’s renunciation of his life and someone committing a suicide. Please explain how the two are different.