The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
Dhamma For People :- The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
Goal in the Next Life
Progressing from accomplishing the goal in this life to the goal in the next life, we realize that we need to improve our lives in both the short term (this life) and the long term (the next life).
Cherishing our Husband or Wife # 2
He must praise his wife in secret. Once a man is married he should show off his wife to the public. He should have a proper
What is the process of dedicating merit to our dearly departed family members? How can I be certain that they can actually receive the merit?
I would like to ask Luang Phaw about the process of dedicating merit to our dearly departed family members. How can I be certain that they can actually receive the merit?
World Peace through Inner Peace
Men who seek peace have long debated how world peace should begin. They examine diverse environmental factors such as ecology,
Erroneous Core Values are the Fruit of Mental Defilements
Before we proceed to the topic of ‘core values’ in detail, it is necessary to understand ‘erroneous core values’ which make one misunderstand life and the world.
Faith rites boost brains, even for atheists
Japan's new hi-tech 'graveyards'
Doctors and nurses by the nature of their work often are involved in birth, ageing, illness and death, but most of them are not interested in Buddhism which teaches the truth about life, why it is so? how should I persuade them to study the Lord Buddha’s
Doctors and nurses by the nature of their work often are involved in birth, ageing, illness and death, but most of them are not interested in Buddhism which teaches the truth about life, why it is so? And how should I persuade them to study the Lord Buddha’s Teachings?