America's largest Buddha statue in New Jersey
The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
Dhamma For People :- The limitless virtues of the Lord Buddha
Meditation at Kalayanamitra House in Azusa
The Ceremony of Kathina – Robes Offering
When Taiwanese Bhikkuni Teaches In A Prison
I am a Taiwanese Bhikkuni of Buddhism in Taiwan. I have been ordained for almost 30 years and have been teaching Dhamma to the prisoners who mostly are under a death sentence at the biggest jail in Taiwan for more than 20 years.
The 3rd Dhammadayada Training for Ladies at Dhammakaya Boras Temple in Sweden
Dhammakaya Boras Temple in Sweden held the 3rd Dhammadayada Training for Ladies. Gender is not the obstacle of doing good deeds.
Author’s Preface
Buddhism is unique in teaching a way to overcome suffering, with its aim definitively to liberate oneself from the Cycle of Existence [vadda-samsara] thereby attaining the highest eternal happiness
Dhammakaya California Temple arranged the important Buddhist Ceremonies
Dhammakaya California Temple arranged the picked-up robes ceremony since the Magha Puja Day.
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (5)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The First Group of Blessings. Blessing Three :- Expressing Respect to Those Worthy of Respect (5)
Sustainable Ethical Development
Sustainable Ethical Development Program