Not Leaving One’s Work Undone.
It’s inevitable for us to avoid our life’s duties since we were bom starting from our duties as children, as brothers, as sisters, as pupils, as people, as husbands, as wives, as parents, as monks, as nuns, as leaders, as slaves, etc.
Artfulness In The Application of Knowledge.
The benefits we will get from planting apple trees depend o their productiveness. At the first period of planting called the pre-pro-ductivity stage, the apple trees have only trunks, branches and leaves.
Do Not Associate With The Fool.
Actually, good and outstanding personalities are the most desirable for all human beings, which is impossible for everyone. The main cause of this impossibility is failure of consideration.
The Right Concentration
The Right Concentration (How many kinds of meditation are there? Part 2)
People afraid to lose their minds because of meditation. How can we explain to them to understand about meditation more clearly?
There are many people who are afraid to practice meditation because they afraid to lose their minds. How can we explain to them to understand about meditation more clearly?
อุปกิเลส 16 อย่าง
อุปกิเลส 16 อย่าง กิเลสละเอียดที่ทำให้ใจเศร้าหมอง มีปกติซ่อนอยู่ในใจเหมือนกับสนิมที่ซ่อนตัวในเหล็ก ซึ่งเป็นเหมือนกับลูกหลานบริวาร สังกัดในกิเลส 3 ตระกูล
สงสัยมั้ย ทำไม YouTube ไม่ให้ดาวน์โหลด?
รัฐบาลชี้แจงปชช.ไม่ต้องปรับนาฬิกาถอยหลัง 30 นาที
คณบดีศึกษาศาสตร์ ย้ำสอบตรงต้องได้คนดี – คนเก่ง