The Rose Way (Phase 3)
These monks who are real practitioners are going to perform the Dhammachai Dhutanga (phase 3) during January 2nd - 25th, 2012. Please join to welcome them and make the big merit to our country!!
The Blissful Mind
Once those who are chained in prison are free from the confinements, They will be free and happy. Likewise, those who can attain Nirvana and are free from all defilements, Will have a blissful mind just like those
The Noble Eightfold Path on the Mundane Level # 1
Practising the Noble Eightfold Path is not just the duty of the saint or the monk striving for Nirvana –it is also a means by which the householder can secure happiness
A Mind Free Of Worldly Vicissitudes.
The mind is the nature of thought inside our body and can collect and assimilate all kinds of sense-objects
The 38 Ways to Happiness :- Generosity (3)
The 38 Ways to Happiness. The Fifth Group of Blessings. Blessing Fifteen :- Generosity.
Everyone’s goal of life can be classified into 3 levels : 3. Ultimate goal of life
An ultimate goal of life is aimed at the highest service for the greater good and for the benefit of everyone
If I am determined to keep the 5 precepts fully as Luang Phaw explained about the sweetened tamarind, what will I receive as a result?
The Benefits of Merits
1. Cleanses and purifies our mind and speech 2. Brings happiness, progress and further advancements
Six star columbarium
The Enlightenment of the Buddha’s First Disciple # 2
Furthermore, a large number of Brahmas were able to attain the fruit of “stream-entry” at the moment the Buddha completed his teaching of the Dhamacakkapavattana Sutta