Core Value # 6: There is life after death
This core value surmises the continuity of life after death. Life does not simply cease when we die. Only the physical body will decompose, but our spirit will comtinue its journey. This view is shared in one way or another by nearly every form of organized religion.
Core Value # 8 : We are endebted to our father
This eighth form of core value indicates that a child acknowledges his or her debt of gratitude to his father. The debt of gratitude a person has tovards their father is the same as that they have towards their mother, i.e,:
Happiness in every way
As you meditate on a daily basis, you will notice the positive changes in your life, whether it is sleeping in peace or waking up in peace, sitting, standing or walking with happiness.
Pure Inner Wisdom
Many people have informed me that after they have practiced meditation, their daily behaviours and abilities to resolve problems improve significantly.
Basic Meditation Technique Step #5
The sharing of loving kindness is something we can do every day, both before and after daily meditation. A brief period before meditating softens and broadens our minds.
Core Value # 3: Virtue should be honoured
This sort of view advocates any form of practice which praises pr honours the virtues of others. To give some examples:
Programs on DMC
Dhamma Media Channel: Programs Review
Target Character Trait # 1: Responsibility for ones own human dignity
The first three defilements of actions are physical evil action. The fourth is verbal evil action. The fourth is verbal evil action.
Source of Willpower
We are born as human beings and it is natural that we have to confront both positive and negative changes throughout our lives.
Core Value # 7 : We are endebted to our mother
This seventh form of core value indicates that a person acknowledges hos or her debr of gratitude to his mother.